Light Portals Blog Post. An insightful rendering for the rebirth and rejuvenation of our collective energy, now...10”x 8” Acrylic on Board
Mischievous comes to mind today as we look out into the world around us. But what is THAT reflection here to say? Nothing really it is a facade :) As spiritually enlightened beings by nature we know that if we connect to our own inter cellular space (heart flame) we remember that there is a new world coming into focus. It’s been here all along buried deep inside the vortex of our soul, a virtual safe haven for entities who seek the love vibration. Welcome now the “fire starter storm” animating to engulf and transmute energetic patterning that takes us away from our true passions and causes pain and suffering. We are divine love and light wearing suits that no longer reflect the star lines that we embody to shine brightly in this new earthly reality.