New Earth ~ Secret Code

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An insightful rendering on the rebirth and rejuvenation of our collective energy, now... 8”x6” Acrylic on Board 1/19/21

If we were to knock on heavens door where would we find it? Ponder this thought today as we go into the “resurrection theme” coded in our energy fields. Heaven is calling she/he is an illusive muse offering a banquet of social communication. Yes, as humans we need to find common ground in our achievements yet must stay sovereign in our own hearts. This field of possibility exists for us to explore in depth and in person our free will on earth directing us inward to discover the passageway, a secret doorway to the heart of our GodSelf. Unity merges the wakefulness of our eternal and human self, exposing heaven on earth.  <3


abstract art channeled newearth soulrendering Transmission universaltruths

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